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Areas of Treatment

Receptive-Expressive Language

Receptive language is the language your child is comprehending. Expressive language is the way your child expresses themselves. Your child may be struggling with verbal or non-verbal language and may be struggling with only one domain or more than one. Once a better understanding of where the communication breakdown occurs, your child will learn to improve their communication through verbal language, signing/baby sign language, reading or writing, symbols or pictures, and through body language and facial expressions. Individualized language learning the way children learn best: through play and while having fun. Older children may need more structured activities but we aim for these to be aimed towards their interests and fun, functional activities as well.

Language therapy is for those with developmental delays, late talkers, bilingual speech acquisition (English and Spanish here) or non-native language learners, auditory processing difficulties, those needing to work on nonverbal communication, and those needing Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Language therapy can be beneficial to both children and adults.


Though we are called "speech therapists" or "speech-language pathologists," the word "speech" is much more complex. Your child may have difficulty with their articulation, or the way they articulate their speech sounds. This could be due to a variety of factors: difficulty with phonological awareness (which can contribute to difficulty reading/writing), incorrect learning of speech sounds (such as a lisp), oral motor deficits or difficulties (tongue/lip tie, tongue thrust, cleft palate, etc.), or motor planning (apraxia of speech). Your child may also have a dialectal difference due to learning another language.

When focusing on speech sounds, we use a variety of fun approaches to get the maximum amount of practice during your child's session. This can be very repetitive and a slow process (as we are trying to change the way they have been used to speaking!) so it is very important to keep your child having fun and motivated.

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Reading and Writing

If your child has difficulty with receptive or expressive language, and/or speech production they will likely have difficulty with phonological awareness and/or pre-literacy skills as well. Or, perhaps your child had no difficulty with these concepts but is now struggling in reading or writing - is this due to attention, motivation, a learning disability, reading disorder (dyslexia), or something harder to decipher such as difficulty understanding cause/effect, others' perspectives, sequencing events, or something else?

Receiving reading and writing therapy from a Speech-Language Pathologist is much more beneficial than getting a tutor for your child. By understanding exactly where the breakdown occurs, we can better individualize activities to improve your child's motivation, comprehension, and expressive capabilities. Being therapeutic includes diagnosis, habilitation, and remediation of a delay or disability. Coaching nor teaching can do these!

Cognitive Communication

A cognitive-communication disorder results from impaired functioning of one or more cognitive processes, including:
attention (selective concentration), memory (recall of facts, procedures, and past & future events), perception (interpretation of sensory information), insight & judgment (understanding one’s own limitations & what they mean), organization (arranging ideas in a useful order), orientation (knowing where, when, & who you are, as well as why you’re there), processing speed (quick thinking & understanding), problem-solving (finding solutions to obstacles), reasoning (logically thinking through situations), executive functioning (making a plan, acting it out, evaluating success, & adjusting), and metacognition (thinking about how you think)

Therapy to improve your child's cognitive communication can improve their day-to-day lives by promoting better decision making, improving their emotional intelligence, and making your child more confident and flexible.
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Feeding Therapy

Feeding is one of the most difficult things to do! There are a ton of muscles and systems at work. Children have difficulties feeding for a variety of reasons. Difficulties may be physiological, sensory, oral motor, or behavioral. Whether your child has a developmental disorder, a sensory processing disorder, behavioral, or general picky eating, a child-centered approach will be used to improve your child's relationship with food and improve their food inventory, weight gain (if necessary), and improve strength, coordination, stability, and range of motion in their oral motor mechanism.

We are trained in the SOS Approach to Feeding and use this approach along with other evidence-based feeding techniques to improve your child's feeding. The Food Scientist program is available for older children. We use play-based sensory feeding techniques and food chaining techniques as well.

Pragmatics and Social Skills

Does your child have difficulty with or little interest in interacting with others or other children? Do they have a hard time initiating play or conversation or have limited interest in toys or play skills? Do they have a hard time sharing toys, taking turns, or following directions in games?
For older children, does your child have difficulty understanding body language, emotions, perspectives of others, figurative language, or sarcasm? Do they have difficulty holding a conversation, asking appropriate questions, or maintain friendships?

Therapy can help improve your child's social skills in both the home or at school. Your child will practice, make mistakes, and become more comfortable and confident communicating in therapy through fun activities, which will carry over into their communication with others.

In an uncertain world, having access to help and services at a convenience are important. You may think your child is too young or inattentive but teletherapy is more engaging, fun, and interactive than the other things kids are usually watching on a screen!

Teletherapy can be done for each session, every once in a while, or only when needed. Teletherapy can be used to help coach parents to interact with or teach their young children how to communicate as well. Learn more here

Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) is an innovative approach that incorporates the presence of therapy animals, typically dogs, to assist in various therapeutic interventions. The bond between humans and animals has been shown to reduce stress, improve emotional well-being, and motivate clients, especially in settings like speech therapy. 

For children and adults with speech and language impairments, therapy dogs can make sessions more engaging and less intimidating, providing a calming presence and fostering communication. These animals act as companions, offering unconditional support, while also encouraging positive emotional connections and progress in therapy.

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